All companies want to hire employees who embody the core values of their brand. But subconscious bias works its way into just about every interaction we have—including the interview process. But making a snap judgment about a prospective hire can mean missing several core personality traits—traits that are virtually impossible to identify through the interview process alone.
Testing Based On Personality
HR teams are increasingly looking for soft skills and aptitude, every bit as much as hard skills. By using science-based personality testing like executive psychometric assessments, they can glean a lot about someone’s aptitude, personality, work style, and cognitive ability. This offers invaluable insights into how a prospective employee will perform for the company not just today but 2, 5, or 10 years down the line. The layout of the tests is extremely intentional and compels the candidate to answer in a specific way. The responses are then scientifically analysed to ascertain fit. Several different tests are commonly used in the recruitment process.
Achievement Tests
This test helps recruiters measure a candidate’s achievement, as it applies to a piece of specific knowledge, skill, or expertise relative to a specific population. It allows them to quantify what an individual has attained through skills, training, and formal education. This series of tests include diagnostic achievement tests, survey battery tests, as well as single test surveys aimed at people with one area of expertise.
Attitude Tests
Your attitude describes the way you see yourself and others and how you approach new people and novel situations. Attitude is a huge determining factor when it comes to gauging someone’s suitability for a company. Attitude tests can take many forms. For example, a recruit might be tested on their feelings towards women, seniors, and the LGBQ community. In order to run a workplace devoid of sexism, racism, or homophobia, a recruiter would have to measure employee response to these questions when considering a hire.
Aptitude Tests
Aptitude refers to an individual’s natural skill or ability. An aptitude test offers employers a glimpse into how well an employee can handle the mechanics of the job. It also measures how quickly and effectively someone can apply a particular skill. Aptitude tests measure everything from learning a new language and managing people to handling new software systems and building code. This test is just as interested in a person’s ability to acquire a new skill as it is in their ability to carry out a particular task.
For example, a recruit with superior written and verbal communication skills might perform better in a writing job. In contrast, someone blessed with excellent analytical skills would be better suited to a job in that field.
Aptitude tests can include:
Personality Test
This test covers several core character traits, including attitudes about co-workers, as well as management style and ability to cope with stress. It also looks at creativity and how they approach decision-making.
Verbal Reasoning Test
This is a measure of a potential employee's written and oral skills. This helps HR determine an individual’s level of competence with regard to conveying work concepts and information in general.
Abstract Reasoning Test
This assesses a person’s conceptual reasoning skills. These can include the ability to employ concepts like lateral thinking and fluid intelligence. This test gauges their ability to identify patterns, logical rules and trends, and then apply them to a work situation. This test is key to determining someone’s facility with complex information, along with their ability to integrate it in a complex scenario.
Numerical Reasoning Test
This test helps to ascertain someone’s facility with numerical data analysis. It also measures the ability to analyse data efficiently, as well as scrutinise graph data and offer a logical interpretation.
In an age of talent assessments and pre-hiring, a Psychometric Assessment is an invaluable tool that allows recruiters to zero in on employees who best fit the company’s needs, values, and culture.
